Our highly skilled team can seamlessly navigate complex motion picture workflow to deliver the creative vision and deliver productions of exceptional quality while ensuring absolute image integrity.
When it comes to voiceovers, our expert engineers will take care of everything, We’ll help you choose the right voice, provide direction, edit, mix and master your finished recording, ready for broadcast, film and any media.
If you need a voiceover artist, we’ll find you the perfect one to fit both your project and your budget. If you can’t attend the session yourself, we’ll set up a connection so you can join remotely. And when the recording is complete our engineers will weave your preferred takes into one smooth edit.

Our highly in Id Production Albania skilled team can seamlessly navigate complex motion picture workflow to deliver the creative vision and deliver productions of exceptional quality while ensuring absolute image integrity.

At Id Production Albania , we bring expertise and dedication to the art of dailies. With streamlined workflows powered by top-of-the-line equipment, we can tailor to suit digital film and TV productions of any size. Our dailies technicians have years of experience productions and are equipped to manage every project efficiently in our studio-approved, secure facilities.

Sound Design & Mix
Id Production Albania offers full sound mixing services and sound design services for theatrical features, broadcast, and streaming series for major networks, studios, and streaming platforms, as well as ADR for the latest blockbusters and couch-side cinema. With staff re-recording mixers and sound designers, the facility allows for one-stop sound production for feature or series.
Our talented in-house team can provide title graphics and opening sequences along with VFX compositing, paint out and object removal for broadcast and theatrical work.

Some old films deserve to be viewed today as well! But due to aging, the picture quality of these films has probably deteriorated with scratches, grains and other such marks. With the process of Digital restoration, the quality of these films can be restored and also upgraded ,to upto 4K, in many cases. The digital restoration process that we offer at Ultra includes manual frame-by-frame restoration in 4K/2K/HD using world-class technologies.
Latest and industry recognized hardwares and softwares like , PF Clean, Revival, Dust Buster, DVO are used by a team of experienced professionals to ensure the best possible output.

Offline Editing
Id Production Albania has some editing suites equipped with Avid Media Composer, Adobe Premiere Pro and Final Cut Pro X for offline editing. Our team of full-time editors are experienced in film editing , or a demanding 4K multi-episode broadcast television series. We are dedicated and eager to collaborate with you and bring the project to fruition, all the while accommodating to your budget.

Our digital department is able to encode and transcode a wide range of digital formats for TV, cinema and the Internet, including DCP and a wide range of formats. Thanks to our licensed and authorized mastering systems.

We offer cameras, lenses , filters , grip equipment, lightning equipment (LED systems, Tungsten, Fluorescent, Daylight lamp heads, etc.) as well as high quality, well-maintained equipment, outstanding service, and fantastic cinematic tools, that make Id Production Albanian a powerful, reliable partner for filmmakers inside and outside place.